Confluence is a team Wiki where you create, organize and discuss work with your team. It is a team workspace where knowledge and collaboration meet. Dynamic pages give your team a place to create, capture, and collaborate on any project or idea. It is a web-based collaboration, departmental and cross-function team project management and meeting communications platform. It is a place to collaborate with your customers or partners and get out of email. Adding Confluence gives you the power to organize all of the ideas, content, and files that you and your team create as you bring your vision to life. Confluence captures the knowledge that’s too often lost in email inboxes and shared network drives, where it’s easy to find, use, and update. It gives every team, project, or department its own space to create the things they need, whether it’s meeting notes, product requirements, file lists, or project plans.
Confluence is a wiki used by more than half of Fortune 100 companies to connect people with the content and co-workers they need to get their jobs done faster. Connect your entire business in one place online to collaborate and capture knowledge. Create, share, and discuss your documents, ideas, minutes, and projects.
Confluence helps teams manage long-form content. It is a general-purpose solution that can be used for a variety of different use cases. You can use Confluence to set up your private wiki or internal knowledge base, create an employee handbook, collaborate on documents and meeting notes, and more.